I got a call from Rich Sire from Diablo P&O the other day asking if I’d be willing to be video’d using my i-Limb hand for a TouchBionics promo video.
I’ve been working with Rich to get a socket built for my i-Limb hand. We’re now on our third prototype and getting pretty close to ironing out all the kinks, I typically use it for half a day at a time and I’m getting reasonably proficient using the hand for everyday tasks…huge step up from my normal hook.
Given how much I like the hand I was quite happy to provide a testimonial, so I headed to Rich’s office Friday for the shoot. It was similar to the MSNBC shoot I did, just on a smaller scale and it only took half a day.
They basically wanted to first shoot a normal consultation between Rich and I and then they took my testimonial for the hand followed by some action shots of me using the hand to fill my water bottle, drive my car, carry a brief case and so on. All quite fun.
They should be using the material for a big conference TouchBionics is attending in Germany, I’m hoping to get a copy of the footage so I can post it online here.
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