I’ve been taking Goji juice twice a day since about June to aid in my recovery. It was something Kerry was introduced to by people she works with. She ended up signing up as a “Marketing Exec” with Free Life, the makers of Goji, and has been selling a little of it at her massage practice…although I think the two of us consume way more than she sells.

Anyway, the idea behind it is the molecules in the Goji berry “serve as directors and carriers
of the instructions that cells use to communicate with each other and aid in the smooth functioning of virtually every cell in the entire body“.

Whilst it’s hard to isolate the effect of Goji per se, (since I also switched to a vegetarian diet during this time), my recovery has been pretty fast. My skin grafts have healed well (scroll down to earlier posts for the before shots) and my overall health and vitality has definitely improved. I use to have quite dark rings under my eyes, nowadays you’d be hard pressed to see them, and my skin tended to be greasy and now it’s much clearer with a better overall tone.
Kerry has even been shipping some back to the UK for her mum who’s been having a few health challenges recently, hopefully if will help her also. If you’re interested, try some yourself – you can sign up via Kerry’s homepage (only if you’re in the US, UK shipping next year).