Kerry recently mentioned she’d joined a local “Intenders Circle”…uh? I hear you ask. I must admit I wasn’t really sure what it was either when she first told me. She explained that it’s a group of people who get together to speak aloud their intentions for themselves, loved ones, friends or the universe, believing in the power of intent to manifest reality. After having seen Tony Robbins recently I’m certainly a believer in the power each of us possesses to change our lives and the world around us, this just seems to take it in perhaps a more spiritual direction. Anyhow, it just so happened that Tony Burroughs, one of the four that founded the “Intenders of The Highest Good” was giving a workshop locally. Kerry was going and so I figured I’d join her, since I’ve developed an interest in experiencing everything I can with an open mind.

The workshop was last Thursday and Friday, from 7:00pm to 11:00ish. There were about a dozen people on the Thursday and 20 or so on the Friday. On Thu I was the only male, but on Friday I was joined by a couple of others.

Tony is an interesting guy to spend a couple of evenings with, very genuine and with some fun stories to share to boot. He has absolute faith in the power of intentions backed by his personal experiences since starting the first intenders circle with 3 friends back in 1994.
Tony’s a spiritual person with first hand experiences of channelling that are weaved into his stories. Whether you believe in such things or not doesn’t make his messages any less relevant, personally I see similarities between what Tony teaches and the teachings of Tony Robbins. One comes at it from a spiritual perspective, the other from a more scientific one, I find both quite intriguing
The intention process is very simple, as copied from Tony’s website (hope you don’t mind Tony):
- Say your intentions out loud daily.
- Go to an Intenders Circle once a week.
- State that, in order for your intentions to manifest, they must serve the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, yourself, and everyone concerned.
And let the laws of manifestation go to work…so be it and so it is! (those in the know will get that one)