For those of you that know me you’ll find this hard to believe…but I’m going to become a vegetarian, yes, yes, I can hear the laughter already thank you. For those that don’t know me I’m about as far from being a vegetarian as you can get, I’ll literally pick the meat out of a dish or eat around the vegetables on my plate, my only concession is I don’t mind salad, but cooked vegetables are a no no.
So what’s prompted the change I hear you ask, well it’s all the fault of that Tony Robbins guy. On the last day of the UPW event Joseph McClendon III, a close friend of Tony’s, took us through "Living Healthy", which consisted of Joseph intermixed with Tony on video.
Basically they laid out "The Ten Fundamentals Of Living Health" and as you have probably guessed, number 8 is eliminate animal flesh and number 9 is eliminate milk, cheese, and all diary products. Now if it wasn’t for the fact that Tony and Joseph exhibit more energy and vitality than you can imagine I’d have dismissed it, but instead I’m going to accept their 10 day challenge and not just follow a vegetarian diet but a vegan one!
I’ll see how it goes and after that I’ll decide if I’m to remain a vegetarian or perhaps even a vegan…I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
Hi Keiron,
It must be great for you and Kez to be home again and getting back into the swing of things again.
Becca and I are really looking forward to seeing you guys in August, maybe we can try the Masala for a meal? Do they do a Dhansak?
Take care,
Thank you for all you do. You amaze me and I am very proud to know you as a mentor and friend. We are still learning and burning the midnight oil as my generation had no access to computers till i was 30+. No worries, as “all i need is within me now.”
P.S. I love the “simon says” and your ability to light up any room with your presence.