It’s day 7 since Kerry and I started our 10 day detox based on what we learnt during the final day at the Tony Robbins UPW event. The program is pretty straight forward:
- Vital breathing – simple breathing exercises
- Living waters and live food – plenty of water, fruits & vegetables
- Aerobic power – moderate exercise sustained over a period of time
- Maximum nourishment – low sugar, acid, and predominately live foods and quality oils
- Structural support – get some rest, sun and a massage
- A directed mind – create joy, reduce stress
- Eliminate processed fats – but get your essential fatty acids
- Eliminate animal flesh – enough said
- Eliminate diary products – cow’s don’t drink milk, why should you
- Eliminate acid additions – sugar, vinegar, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine & drugs
A number of the guys I work with at Kaboodle are Indian and as I described the diet over lunch last week (most are vegetarian, very handy) they explained it sounded very similar to cleansing diets prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors back home. Strange thing was, just that morning on the way into work I was listening to an interview with Depak Chopra by Tony Robbins and low-and-behold if it wasn’t about, in part, Ayurveda.
Anyhow, so far it’s going well, after having rarely eaten vegetables for the first 35 years of my life I’m now making up for lost time. Once I un-linked being a hardened carnivore from my Identity I’ve found I quite like vegetables…my mum would be proud! I’ve had no ill effects, a couple of days I’ve had a heavy head but no loss of energy. Kerry and I have been walking for 40 minutes or so in the morning, drinking freshly juiced vegetables and drinking lots of water. I’ve found my skin less dry, I’ve lost 6lbs and an inch off my waist (not that I was particularly overweight, but I had gained a few lbs/inches the last couple of years)…not to shabby.