My bald spot has gone!
As you can see from the before and after pictures my hair has grown back and I no longer have a bald spot on the back of my head, just the usual gray hairs. I guess it was caused by a combination of being in the hospital bed, medication, stress and who knows what else.
I didn’t have to do anything special for it to grow back, other than not get stressed about it and I guess it took about 6 weeks to recover. A friend of mine (who’s a hairdresser) thought it might have been Alopecia, from the way it’s described this certainly seems possible, I’m just glad it’s back to normal.
NOTE: Thanks to Lori for pointing me to info on Telogen Effluvium, seems to be a close match to what I experienced.
Hi. It sounds like something called Telogen Effluvium. or “shock loss” It can happen when the body undergoes a major shock or sustains a major injury ( I guess this counts as that)
I had a bout of it after my recent surgery because it can also be caused by a reaction to anesthesia.
Here is a link to it.. might be of interest.
I have been reading your blog last night, and I cried my eyes out in parts, but its so great that you are getting things back on track. See you soon – Lori