I came across this animated video of a talk by Dan Pink on the science of motivation and wrote down its 3 principles on the whiteboard in my home office and have been staring at them on and off now for a good few months. Since the talk really resonated with me I thought I’d pass it on…plus, love the animation.
Don’t think it’s going to spoil anything for you, but…big shock…beyond a certain point money is not the main motivator. And certainly, in my experience, not if your goal is to motivate people sustainably.
Keith Cunningham, one of my business mentors, says “you don’t just want to achieve success, you want to sustain success”. I think likewise for motivation, you don’t just want to motivate in the moment, you want to motivate for the long term.
So whether you are looking at what might motivate you sustainably or you are looking to sustainably motivate others, research shows there are three ingredients you need to add to the mix:
[list class=”bullet-minus”] [li]Autonomy – our desire to be self directed[/li] [li]Mastery – our urge to get better at stuff[/li] [li]Purpose – our need to be driven by something outside ourselves[/li] [/list]
Hope you enjoy the video…