A few weeks ago while I was in Toronto I connected with Rob Spence, a one-eyed film maker (see if you can notice his bionic eye in the photo) who is making a documentary on today’s cyborgs as part of a promo for the new video game Deus Ex Human Revolution.
He wanted to interview me on my experiences with my i-Limb hand and as curious as he was about my hand I was just as curious about his eye!
Rob damaged his eye in a shotgun accident as a kid and decided to have it removed a while back. Recently he worked with a couple of engineers to take a tiny wireless camera and build a bionic eye…it doesn’t connect to his optic nerve or anything, but it is really cool.
His documentary compares the cybernetics available in the video game Deus Ex, set in 2027, with state of the art prosthetics today to see how far away we are.
You can watch the video below, Rob did a great job and you’ll see a few segments of the interview he did with me.
[youtube src=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW78wbN-WuU]
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