My half Ironman Triathlon is coming up fast on October 25th! Yesterday’s training schedule called for a long bike ride, 56 miles, in preparation. Since I was up in Tahoe for the weekend I figured what better place to ride than around the lake.
The ring around Lake Tahoe is about 73 miles, I planned on riding 56 miles and having Kerry come pick me up, which meant I would get to go around 2/3rds of the lake at least.
I headed out at 8:30am on Highway 89, from South Lake Tahoe, and headed clockwise towards Emerald Bay, the first big climb. As I would learn during the ride, it sure ain’t flat up here. The lake is at 6,200′ and the roads around are continually going up and down, the highest climb to over 7,000′. Of course by going clockwise I got to ride the hilliest 2/3rds of the lake (great choice)!
Apart from the cold (what else would you expect in October, I couldn’t feel my toes numerous times), and the wind which was blowing 20+mph and at nearly blowing me of the bike, it was a beautiful ride. It took me 3 hours 45 minutes to complete my distance, finishing just before Cave Rock (the tunnel on Highway 50). Kerry meet me there, with a hot cup of tea and my run shoes ready for a quick 10 minute transition run.
All-in-all a great days training and given the snow we got Saturday night/Sunday morning I’m sure glad I did the bike yesterday…although the snow sure looks pretty.
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