Kerry and I have taken up golf (some of you may laugh I know…I always said I’d never play golf since it’s a boring game)! Well we took our first lesson this morning with Dale Bradley from San Ramon Golf Club, a local public golf course.
Neither Kerry or I have ever really played golf before, knocking a ball around at a pitch & putt course many years back is about the limit of it…that and crazy golf of course! Anyway, we thought this would be something fun we could learn together. I’m learning to play one-handed. Since I never played golf before the accident I figure I’m not going to miss not using my left hand now.

Interestingly TRS (one of my favourite prosthetic companies) has a golf attachment, but it seems to be for people who lost their leading hand, right hand in my case, so I’m not sure if it would work for me…I’ll see how I get on with one hand.
As you can see from the photos I’ve got great technique…not…but, at least I could hit the ball about 100 yards with a 6 iron, kind of in a straight direction, maybe one out of every 10 shots. More practice definitely required!
It’s funny, but earlier this year at a Stumps ‘R Us event we got speaking to a lady who was involved with the Amputee Golf Association, apparently they have tournaments around the country and world for amputee golfers. So you never know, I could be the Tiger Woods of the amputee golf world!