It was just thanksgiving here in the US and Kerry and I celebrated with a traditional English roast dinner, minus of course the turkey, since we’ve both been vegetarian since July. So what did we have instead of turkey? Kerry made our first ever nut roast…not quite the same as turkey but pretty tasty nevertheless.
I use to make our roast dinners every year and didn’t see why this year should be any different. Whilst Kerry made the nut roast the rest was down to me. With my hook in place I was able get on with most of it, although a little help peeling the potatoes moved things along a little quicker…gripping those pesky things ain’t easy. Look at those lovely roast potatoes…um, um, um!
It was a lovely dinner (roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings, stuffing) and whilst I missed the taste and texture of the turkey a bit (Kerry wasn’t to bothered) overall it was great. Luckily Bisto gravy doesn’t contain any animal products so I could still cover everything in gravy.
And all this time I had no idea you were British. I’d give up turkey for the perfect roast spud, it’s amazing how many Americans have never had one.
Indeed, moved out to California over 6 1/2 years ago but still love my good old English roast!