Well I can report that both Kerry and I survived our 10 day cleanse of no meat, dairy products and alcohol – sorry Rene, looks like you lost the bet! Not only that but I can also report that I have continued and plan to continue on with the vegetarian diet.
To be honest the hardest part of the program was cutting out dairy products. We used soy milk, which I quite like, and isn’t too bad in tea, and we got a soy substitute for margarine…but there are just so many things that contain milk, cream or cheese that it makes it quite tricky when eating out. We weren’t sure about eggs, since they aren’t dairy products, but guessed we should eliminate them as well. I take my hat of to vegans, it’s a committed lifestyle choice. It was interesting when we went out for lunch or dinner to find how limited the choices are in most restaurants, although living in the Bay Area we are fortunate enough to have specialized restaurants that cater to all diets.
So, moving forward I’m committed to staying vegetarian, I’ll probably eat fish occasionally and reduce my intake of dairy products, keeping with the soy milk, and reduce my intake of vinegar, processed sugar and such like. The funny thing is Kerry is quite happy to continue eating meat, chicken at least, how’s that for a 180 degree about turn. Oh, and there’s one thing we won’t be eliminating and that’s alcohol, we just like our wine way too much for that.
I certainly haven’t felt any ill effects and generally feel in excellent health. I lost 7lbs and an inch or so from my waist. Now Kerry and I will start our new ex cerise regime so we can both continue on getting back into shape.
Rats. I’ll have to get down there and tempt you with some nice sirloin.
Hi – I just had to write to say that I cannot believe that you have turned veggie (if you still are…) after all these years! I don’t think I can remember you even going anywhere near a vegetable. Congratulations :-))